新型コロナウイルス影響による BALIISM Japan 日本オフィス 臨時休業のお知らせ
日本政府からの緊急事態宣言発令を受けまして、BALIISM Japan 日本オフィス(東京都・港区)
■2020年4月8日 〜 5月6日 (予定) → 5月31日まで延長されました
尚、メールフォーム、コールセンター 050-5316-4034 につきましては、
BALIISM Japan公式オンラインショップ( https://www.jp-shop.baliism.com )から、
ご注文の際は、事前に郵便局や日本郵便ホームページ( https://www.post.japanpost.jp )などで配達可能か確認の上、
In response to the emergency declaration from government, the BALIISM Japan Japan Office (Minato-ku, Tokyo)
will be temporarily closed for the following period.
■ April 8 - May 6, 2020 (planned) → Extended until May 31
(Until the emergency declaration is released)
Mail form and call center +81-50-5316-4034(English) can be handled as usual during 10:00-17:00 (weekday).
▼ For corporate customers
Order and contact can by e-mail or telephone during the Japan office closure period.
We will do our best to avoid delays in delivery, but depending on the situation in the future,
We cannot guarantee able to deliver on time. Please contact us for the delivery date of the product.
Regarding product packaging, we will respond as usual at the West Japan Shipping Center.
▼ About Online Shop
Also, please be assured that the products ordered from the BALIISM Japan Online Shop ( https://www.jp-shop.baliism.com )can be shipped from the West Japan Shipping Center in Fukui Prefecture.
However, there is a possibility that delivery will not be possible as usual to the area where the declaration of emergency has been issued.
if you want order, please make sure that it can be delivered at a post office or the Japan Post website ( https://www.post.japanpost.jp/index_en.html )in advance, then place the order. thank you.